Brexit, it’s a word to provoke fear in any organisation. Since January 1st 2021 businesses have been working hard to ensure manufacturing can continue and goods can be sourced in a timely manner.

Here at APJ we are proud to show that our new and changed system processes have ensured that we have continued seamless supply and transition wherever in the world they may be.

Shown below is an example of our post Brexit process managment.

How customs work

Not many of us have considered what happens at customs up until now because we haven’t had to. We know this may feel daunting for many of our clients, so we wanted to breakdown what happens when goods are imported or exported

What happens with goods in transit? Well, there can be one of three scenarios:

  1. No check

  2. Document check

  3. Physical inspection of the goods

Where does customs clearance take place?

  1. At the border

  2. At an inland customs point – a secure location away from the border where goods & declarations can be checked. If it takes place here, a T form is completed by the hauler guaranteeing the goods will not be tampered with between the inland customs export and the inland import point.

  3. Via a frontier declaration – whilst the driver is in transit they receive a message advising which of steps A-C is applicable.

Why goods get delayed

It’s a common misconception that delays are caused by the physical checking of goods by customs. The reality is with tons of goods flowing through ports daily, customs just do not have the capacity to check everything. The principal reason for delay is more likely non-payment of VAT or duty prior to delivery and that is the responsibility of the company moving goods. This is about organizing business and administrative systems so that this is carried out in a timely manner. We have all of this in place at APJ to stop additional costs or delays and we commit to:

  • Smooth flow of goods

  • No disruption

  • No delays

  • Robust admin and stock control systems

  • Uncomplicated frictionless customs

We have spent time accessing stock levels and increasing them in anticipation of the transition period. Whilst we would suggest that it would be prudent for you to take the same steps, we want to reassure you that APJ has put a great deal of work into stock and lead times. If you can forecast your needs then we will ensure that stock is in the UK to meet your demand.

If you want to find out more, visit UK Government Transition site where you can find out about the government’s check, change, go traffic light system.


